Evne til å koble flere datasett sammen for aktuelle brukstilfelle
digdir:category_no | Datainnsikt |
difi:name_no | Kobling/mapping |
difi:description_no | Evne til å koble flere datasett sammen for aktuelle brukstilfelle |
digdir:category_en | Intelligence |
difi:name_en | Composition |
difi:description_en | The ability to use a modular digital twin application development approach to rapidly compose and recompose digital twin services that deliver use case specific outcomes. |
digdir:sequenceNumber | 38 |
difi:namespace | TD-CPT |
digdir:ability_no | Evne til å koble flere datasett sammen for aktuelle brukstilfelle |
digdir:ability_en | The ability to use a modular digital twin application development approach to rapidly compose and recompose digital twin services that deliver use case specific outcomes. |
digdir:purpose_en | The purpose is to compose or recompose Digital twins from a set of packaged, reusable business capabilities (PBCs) to reduce time to value, duplication and support citizen development of Digital twins |
difi:language | no |
label | ${name} |